Чакральное дыхание – техника снятия блокировок с чакр и нормализации энергетического обмена, Раскрытие своего потенциала

Chakral Breathing

Additional modules of the 1st Main Course

Chakral Breathing

Human health depends on the state of the energy bodies. And the whole life depends on the state of health. The more energy the consciousness can receive and send (that is, let pass through it per unit of time), the healthier, more effective and successful the owner of such a consciousness will be.

The Chakral Breathing technique is designed to achieve precisely this goal.

If someone’s chakra works badly “at the point of entry,” then their consciousness does not accept the energy of the external world and, thus, deprives them of the opportunity to receive the benefits that they might need. If someone’s chakra works badly “at the way out”, then they become unable to influence the surrounding reality and transmit their needs to the world.

The better the chakra structure of a person functions, the higher their life potential and success in all areas of life is.

Chakral Breathing is a unique technique that:

  • Removes blockages from the chakras and normalises energy metabolism 
  • Unleashes your potential and gets rid of restrictions giving you improved communication with others
  • Significantly increases your energy resource
  • Deletes programmes from the chakra column.

Duration: approx. 3 hours. 

Admission: 1st Main course. Day 1-4 completed.

Pre-recorded video seminar in English will be available soon.

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