Факультет Стихии - это Альфа и Омега человеку ищущего себя в магии. Вся магия: умение возбуждать, привлекать, сдерживать и соединять стихии

The Elemental Department

For men and women looking for themselves in Magic, the four elements are their Alpha and Omega. All magic, in fact, comes down to the ability to excite, attract, restrain and unite elemental forces. Without this skill, there is no magic – only sheer witchcraft.

In the process of learning in this course, students comprehend the power of the four elements, learn to turn on and excite any force consciously, and shift their consciousness along the elemental cross of the four elements on their own. Also, students acquire knowledge and experience in influencing the secondary forces of the world of people (their emotions, sensations and thoughts) through the ability to work with the primary forces.

To get admitted, students must complete all the modules of the Foundation Level 2: Astral Body course and demonstrate the ability to manage sensations, emotions and astral power during an interview. This knowledge and skills are necessary for the consciousness to be able to perceive the primary elemental force without restriction and to work with external forces almost masterly. 

During the period of training at the Foundation Department, our students develop hypersensitivity, brightness of perception and heightened intuition that allows them to see and feel what is inaccessible to see and feel to other people. At the Elemental Department, they develop these unique qualities even further, bringing them up to mastery.

Prospective students can find additional information about studying in the Elemental Department in our “A Student’s Guide: Elemental Department”.

Studying is divided into 4 levels.

Elements 1: Uncovering:

  • Getting to know the four elements Immersion in the elements.
  • Learning how to take power “directly” from the elements.

Pre-requisites: Foundation Level 2 course.

Elements 2: Experiencing

  • Getting to know the elemental spaces. 
  • Researching the elemental spaces.

Pre-requisites: Foundation Level 4: Causal Body Basics 3-day seminar and Elements 1 course.

Elements 3: Transforming:

  • Using the power of the four elements to activate and fill the consciousness prime bases.
  • Working with Karma-Zero lens.

Pre-requisites: Foundation Level 4 (all modules) and Elements 2 courses.

Elements 4: Controlling 

Coming soon.

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3 курс Рун. Руны и Стихии. 2 часть 16 урок
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