Foundation Level 4: Causal Body Basics 3-Day Course

The causal body belongs to the level of superconsciousness. This is the information structure of the mind, which is responsible for the experience and cause-and-effect relations underlying the construction of events.

Everything that people have ever experienced does not disappear but remains with them forever in their information memory. Experience is the most valuable thing a person has. It is the experience that forms the existential mass, or the acquired consciousness mass, which for a magician is an indicator of his or her capabilities, and for an ordinary person the key to success and good luck.

Magicians must be able to work with their experience, including the experience of the past incarnations. They must find the tools and restore their “continuous memory” – this is provisional for increasing their strength and, as a result, their capacities, as well as their hierarchical status.

Chains of the cause-and-effect relations, like DNA molecules, store information and create the reality which is manifested in events. The skills and knowledge that are offered to the students in the Foundation Level 4 course make it possible to “read” the chains and rebuild them consciously, thereby changing the line of their own destiny.

During the Foundation Level 4 course students study the laws of cause and effect, and the law of Karma. Such concepts as destiny, fate and doom are examined in detail.

Our students receive a simple formula for shaping future events, which allows them to alter and adjust their future by changing the components of the Formula of Destiny.

As a result of the work done during the course, students:

• Understand the mechanisms of time, mission, karmic goal.
• Familiarise themselves with the concepts of destiny and doom.
• Rewrite the individual elements of the karmic chain.
• Correct the karmic programme.
• Become aware of their mission and personal karmic goal.
• Eliminate reasons that prevent realisation of their goals and intentions.
• Restore the “forgotten experience”.
• Increase their acquired consciousness mass.
• Get skills for working with a Karma-Zero lens.

Duration: 3 days for 3-4 hours. 

Admission: Foundation Level 3: Mental Body course and an interview with one of the Menshikova School teachers.

This class is available for a group and an individual study. Pre-recorded videos can be ordered from the Menshikova School shop.

This seminar launches the Foundation Level 4 course. It is recommended to study the rest of the modules in the following sequence:

F-4.1. Anti-Karmic Programme

F-4.2. Lifelines Consolidation

F-4.3. Working with Time

F-4.4. Negative Situations as a Resource

F-4.5. Family Lines. Part 1

F-4.6. Family Lines. Part 2

F-4.7. Working with Habits

F-4.8. Formation of Positive and Landmark Events.

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3 курс Рун. Руны и Стихии. 2 часть 16 урок
To start: 00:00:00