Раскрытие – пробуждение стихийных сил. 1 базовый курс факультета "Стихии" исследование состояния сознания

Elements Basics Course

Elements Basics 3-Day Seminar

This seminar starts the Elements 1: Uncovering course of the Elemental Department

In this seminar students:

  • Explore the primary forces of the four elements, familiarise with them and learn to awaken them in their own minds. 
  • Acquire the ability to evoke and manifest the elements through their subtle bodies and the relationship with the chakra structure.
  • Study states of their consciousness when different elements are involved.
  • Cleanse their astral bodies with respect to receptivity to the elements until there is an influx of the elemental forces.

Duration: 3 days for 3 hours.

Admission: Foundation Level 2 Course.

Self-study and group study options are available.

Upon successful completion of this seminar, students move to studying each element and their combinations in depth in the following order:

E-1.1 The Element of Earth

E-1.2 The Element of Fire

E-1.3 The Element of Water

E-1.4 The Element of Air

E-1.5 The Air-Water Combination

E-1.6 The Fire-Earth Combination

E-1.7 The Elemental Cross 

E-1.8 The Basics of Healing


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3 курс Рун. Руны и Стихии. 2 часть 16 урок
To start: 00:00:00