6 базовый курс. Потоки сил, выявление источника силы, изучение правил и законов распределения, встраивание потоков в персональный эгрегор

Foundation Level 6: Streams of Power Basics 3-Day Seminar

There are such concepts as “catch the wind”, “grab luck by the tail”, “catch the wave”. People use these expressions without realising that this is not just a beautiful metaphor. Behind these words there is an understanding of the key to success and luck in many areas of life.

Wind, wave, luck is a description of elemental forces that are beyond the control of an ordinary person, who depends on their unpredictable disposition and has got only one thing left to do – trust in the mercy of the Higher forces. This happens because he or she does not know the magical laws of movement of the streams of power.

In this seminar students learn these laws and master the skill of using them. With the help of the laws of power distribution, practitioners master the knowledge and ability not only to “catch the streams”, but also to understand why a particular power is expensive for someone and another is cheap, and whether this can be changed.

Each magician knows where the streams of power come from and by what rules they are redistributed. At this stage, students master the ability to accurately identify the source of power and learn the rules for its distribution in this world under the LAW.

The purpose of this study is to integrate the streams of power into the magician’s own personal egregor, so that it could work independently on the task set – achieve social goals and obtain the necessary resources for him or her.

Course contents:

• The dependence of ownership of the streams on the egregorial hierarchy.
• How are the streams of power distributed among egregorial structures?
• What are the streams of power and how do they manifest themselves in the lives of people, organizations and systems?
• The streams of power distribution laws.
• Genuine understanding of the necessary and unnecessary streams of power for one’s own system.

As a result, students learn techniques for managing the streams of power, conducting them into their own system, as well as redirecting and introducing new ideas into the common information space.

Duration: 3 days for 3 hours. 

Admission: Foundation Level 5: Buddhic Body course and an interview with one of the Menshikova School teachers.

This course is available in group study and self-study. Pre-recorded videos can be ordered from the Menshikova School shop.

This seminar begins the Foundation Level 6 course.

It is recommended to learn the rest of the modules in the following sequence:

F-6.1. The Stream of Health

F-6.2. The Stream of Money

F-6.3. The Stream of Luck

F-6.4. The Stream of Authority

F-6.5. The Stream of Knowledge

F-6.6. The Stream of Love

F-6.7. The Stream of Creativity (Creation).

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3 курс Рун. Руны и Стихии. 2 часть 16 урок
To start: 00:00:00
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