Повышение плотности (уплотнение) эфирного тела - энергетическая гимнастика: повышает иммунитет, стимулирует процессы восстановления

Augmentation of the Etheric body

Additional modules of the 1st Main Course

Augmentation of the Etheric body 

Secondary chakras activation.

First and foremost, energy circulation in the body determines health. At times, life itself depends on the energy supply and the ability to use it.

An energy practice, that forms the basis of this class, is necessary and valuable help for those who are not able to play sports or do regular physical exercises. Simple movements by your thought will help to boost your energy potential and balance your state of health in the shortest possible time – increase in the Etheric body density gives such opportunities.

High density of the etheric body:

  • Provides energy and information protection
  • Enhances immunity
  • Stimulates recovery processes
  • Improves joint mobility.

This results in health improvement, activation of energy meridians, intuition development, and increase in the efficiency of information perception and speed of its processing.

Duration: approx. 3 hours. 
Admission: 1st Main Course. Day 1-4 completed.

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